Thursday, November 11, 2010

Pollution of Rajang river (Batang Igan)

Batang Rajang/Rajang river have been used for hundreds of year by the local people of Sarawak especially for the community that live at the riparian area along the river. Most of them are fishermen which rely on the river for food, transportation, clean water supply, agriculture etc.

However, as you can see in the picture, river water have been polluted and not as clean as decade ago. It can be clearly seen by naked eyes. The river water is not clear at all. From the look of it, it have high dissolve solid, high suspended solid, high turbidity, and might as well low in BOD&COD, and God know what kind of pathogen and harmful microorganisms live in this river.

The reason of this pollution were:

  • Logging activity either legal or illegal
  • Unsustainable farming activities
  • Dumping of waste into the river
  • Industry
  • Human settlement
I hope government agencies or private agencies take action rather than continue worthless speculation as who to blame as always through newspaper or television.

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